
Hey Friend,

What if I told you that financial freedom is possible and your dreams of adventure and travel could be a reality?

Hi, my name is Britni Jo and I am here to help you discover your path to financial freedom! As your money mindset coach we will build a road map uniquely designed to get you from a place of debt to a place of freedom and wealth!

I know, it sounds too good to be true right? Well I am here to tell you it’s 100% POSSIBLE and I am here to help coach and provide the tools necessary to achieve your money goals!

What’s your “word” for 2022?


Level Up Club

Are you ready to LEVEL UP your finances, career, travel, and community? Coming soon…

Want to be the first in the club? Click below to get on the wait list!

Personalized Coaching

Let the dreaming, planning and adventure begin today! We are going to wash away those rooted money beliefs and get you on a steady road to financial freedom and adventure living - one beautiful excursion at a time.

Discover your $$ Goals

Do you need a money mindset bestie? Someone to keep you on the path with your money goals and dreams? I want to personally invite you to dive into my monthly membership and accountability today!